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2nd Boomer day

ID:I/I9bdY5 No.5707514 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hello fellow boomers. How are you faring on this monday as the lazy kids of our days are at uh, what do they call it these day... work! Back in my days I bought my house for free and I didn't even have to work hard. Bitchin' house. Today? Not so much, y'all kids are all show and no go.
Meanwhile back at the ranch I've been messing real twichin' didn't even catch some z's. I installed this new thing on my good ol' windows machine they call it uh... spotify. Back in the good ol' days we'd use Napster and Emule and half of the time we'd get viruses on our PCs. Outta sight. Anyway I found out there are all Chet Baker's albums I used to listen as a kid with my good ol' man. Eh, you had to see my ol' man he flipped his wig at the drop of a hat! But lay It on me now, fellows.