>>5736249>I understand that on /pol/ all you have to do to get people to believe anything is to just screech JEWSWell, there is truth to that.
Capitalism and Communism are two sides of the same Jewish Supremacist Coin. Take capitalism to extremely retarded levels, and you get people to join "muh rebolushuns" to overthrow the "Bourgeoisie" and/or the "elite/rich class". Take Communism to the extreme, and you will have people joining "muh rebolushuns" clamoring for more economic and social "muh freedumbs", "muh democuckcy", "muh libertardism" as well as "muh Liberté, égalité, fraternité".
Now, who in the fuck do you think are the "movers" of Capitalism and Communism as well as the extremism of both jewish-dominated inventions? Of course, it is the JEWS.