>>5754658/qa/ is like bant but with less people and the same 2hufags. /wsr/ seems like a porn dump board and /adv/ is dead. Any good use for this website has vanished beyond hope. The only threads that I unironically write are my draft threads and even those get spammed by reddit tier fags like spain. I'd go somewhere else but where? The Internet has gone to shit since like 2012 and the only people you can find on it are either edgy 15 year old kids or pretentious scumbags. It's a negative view but it's true. Any attempt to engage in a serious discussion ends up being a total waste of time. Anything written with more than 500 characters doesn't even get read by most of the people here. You may understand now why I'm rooting for anti net-neutrality/european copy right laws to kick in. Hopefully all the retards won't be able to shitpost anymore and will turn to other media and perhaps learn to read again.