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Ever had that moment in your school days that assholes automatically assume that you're willing to share your food?
Yes asshole, my pizza is sliced into parts but that's none of your anal business homo.
That's why i used to take fucking tuna and zucchini on my pizza on my school breaks.
Normie faggot thinks he can just take my pizza? To any of you who used to be food parasites in school, fuck you, bring your own food. Fuck yourself and behold my shit taste, i even hate it myself. It almost screwed my school carreer when i got a heavy autism fit over someone grabbing in my chips bag. Stomped the chips to dust, exploding the bag and uncontrollable screaming made him finally go fuck himself back to normieville. fucking faggot food parasites.
Yes asshole, my pizza is sliced into parts but that's none of your anal business homo.
That's why i used to take fucking tuna and zucchini on my pizza on my school breaks.
Normie faggot thinks he can just take my pizza? To any of you who used to be food parasites in school, fuck you, bring your own food. Fuck yourself and behold my shit taste, i even hate it myself. It almost screwed my school carreer when i got a heavy autism fit over someone grabbing in my chips bag. Stomped the chips to dust, exploding the bag and uncontrollable screaming made him finally go fuck himself back to normieville. fucking faggot food parasites.