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Issues With Parents Being Commies

ID:ZlssEB/A No.5798421 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
title is kinda self explanatory, it makes gatherings unbearable. On the drive to the restaurant, house, whatever i have to chew gum so i don't lose my mind, it's always the same damn thing

Drumph this, john Oliver that, Samantha bee everything. Its sickening and with the frequency that i see them (i still love them) I just don't know how I'll survive, they talk about how corporations just need to cannibalize the CEO and all the workers will have all the healthcare they need for their 30 abortions and birth control medication.

All they watch is CNN and Now This, and whenever i suggest another they say i'm some Breitbart subscriber supporting the russians (this is a joke to them, but if i push the usage of other sites they get increasingly angry)

I'm gonna snap if this goes on for any longer.