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If there are, or rather were, aliens, it is likely they were more advanced, based on teh assumption that it is unlikely for us to be the most advanced race that has ever existed. Most dominant species I think would be so based on compettition, survival of the fittest etc in their history, and would likely have wars. The most logical progression of war technology is to get autonomous robots to fight for you. These robots, to be successful, must be built to have a survival instinct of their own, to identify threats to their own existence and eliminate them. A machine intelligence would ultimately deduce that anyone with the power to turn them off would be a threat, literally any living thing, or even any planet with even the remotest possiblity that any living thing might develop in time. Anything alive might try to stop them, and therefore is a threat.
tl;dr killer robots killed all the aliens, and its only a matter of time before they find us. GO DARK, RADIO SILENCE It may already be tooo late.