Quitting 4chan is really simple. Here's what I did:
1) Dumped all the stuff I had downloaded on an external hard drive. ALL OF IT.
2) Deleted all apps to access 4chan from all my mobile devices
i) Take a small notepad and carry it with you at all times (see pic)
ii) Make two colums. One for date and another one for marking '|'(a vertical line)
iii) Every time you feel the urge to come here, draw a line.
iv) When you have four lines, draw a diagonal one cutting the 4 lines.
v) Don't be too hard on yourself if you fail. I know it's tough but believe me once I got back to my normie life, I don't ever want to come here again.
4) Switched one obsession for another. Instead of shitposting on 4chan all day now I go to the gym, play guitar again, and I have started finding information regarding masters programs.
Quit going to all websites with an endless scroll down or where people keep posting stuff like facebook, quora, 4chan, reddit, etc. Use these as tools to aid you. Don't let yourself be a slave to them.
What got me to the realization of quitting 4chan was seeing all my friends get ahead, make lots of money and I'm here piss poor. You can't pay bills with hate and negativity. You have to change your mindset. For this I would recommend two books -
1) Attitude is everything - Jeff Keller (for absolute beginners to self-development literature)
2) Power of positive thinking - Norman Vincent Peale
Don't underestimate the power of postive thinking. 'Postive thinking' is thrown around a lot but rarely does anyone practice it. After reading these two books I can say that I am supercharged with optimism. Spending time on this site is literally taking money out of your pocket guys. If you would have started six months ago think how ahead you would have been at whatever you want to do in life. Whatever you want in life, it's not to late and it's always possible. All the best!