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Whenever I feel down, I just imagine myself standing near my local river. Looking upon the now crimson water with the Moon and Star glistening in it, as I turn around and walk around the streets. With every step I take, a pal*n skull cracks and shatters underneath my paw. I look upon the lampposts and savor the pal*n corpses hanging from them. Every single square meter has a pal*n cuck executed one way or another. Whether they've been strung to lampposts or their heads impaled on spears. I salute my HELLHOUND sisters their curvy, muscular bodies, covered with the cum of their new husbands. With every passing moment, I savor the cries of the pleasure as the men are "raped", as they watch their former wives watch. I smile as the last pal*n crawls away from me, stuttering incomprehensible garbage about the ''chief god'' with his rotten tongue. I imagine myself grinning as I obliterate his skull with a single slash from my obsidian claws. I open my eyes, and my day has been restored. Even if I won't experience this, my HELLHOUND children, my HELLHOUND sisters will.