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ID:Dlag8eq3 No.5857906 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>America, the greatest country on Earth

>America is 56% white and is getting browner by the day
>American English is slowly becoming the 2nd
>You can get life in prison for tax-evasion
>You can get 20 years in prison because a woman hasn't hit a magical number that somehow makes her emotionally ready
>21 trillion dollars in debt
>You're all addicted to prescriptions, pain pills and benzos
>Can't drink alcohol until 21 but can die for Israel at the age of 18
>Peasant wages and everyone lives a sluggish 9-5 working for the man
>White's are becoming a minority and America is becoming browner
>More women are searching for blacked porn than straight porn in America
>America is the home of the SJW and politically correct movement
most spoke language in America
>Obesity and heart disease are rampant
>Education and average intellect is 90 iq and has fallen to an all time low
>Good innocent people die everyday because of your shit gun laws
>Your colleges pander to SJW culture
>children being forced into Nazi styled concentration camps
>You elected an orange ego-fueled troll over a corrupt lifetime politician

Why is America the best country again? I want to hear it from you Americucks