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ID:v/AuThPn No.5879268 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
The moon landing was real, and proved man is capable of almost anything.
The Earth is in fact round, and there are countless pieces of evidence to back it up.
The races of this world like to inflict their power over each other just for the sake of ideological and economic dominance, or sex and whatever's socially justified.
Only specific ethnicities of white count as ubermensch, and a true ubermensch feels no pain or suffering, so eventually even normal whites will eventually mutate into the ubermensch, leaving the white race dead and gone.
There is no God, and there never was, there's only us and the stars, there is about as much proof for God as there is for Santa.
And last but not least, you're all just brains, no spirit, no soul, nothing more and nothing less but flesh and bone.

Now you have fun spinning the almonds on this one, fags.