>>5891429>It was wrong for the French to invade the Aboriginal tribesWas it wrong for the US to 'invade' America? Was it wrong for the Anglo Saxons to 'invade' Britain? The Goths to 'invade' central Europe? What about for the Zulus to invade Matabeleland?
I daresay, the american aboriginals are doing a lot better today than they ever would have without european intervention. Especially in the barbarous parts like Mexico. Certainly, parts of Africa are unimagineably better off.
>we should just let the Africans be primitive and let them kill each other. Nothing wrong with thatWhat is evil? Its evil for a foreign group to kill someone of a different tribe but intra-tribal violence is not evil? Is a murderer not evil if he only murders his kin? Permitting atrocities committed by niggers could be called more evil than preventing them by intervention (Robert Mugabe even admitted things were better off under whites)
Not to mention the terrible waste of space. Think how many more great artists and geniuses would be born were all of Africa colonised by Europeans.
Give them some territory like the americans were given and let them develop but its a senseless waste of resources to leave africa in the hands of animals.