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White racists: why does BM/WF sex trigger you?

ID:8uwscWo9 No.5907090 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I understand that black property crime, assault and murder statistics are a problem. But you get upset over white women and black men having consensual sexual relations with one another. Even if the black guy is clean-cut. The white race is an arbitrary entity. An arbitrary entity defined by skin pigment and a very broad geographical zone (Europe and depending on who you ask, some surrounding areas in West Asia and North Africa. Some don't even think that certain Europeans are white.)

There is no "White Brotherhood" or "European Brotherhood". Europeans hate each other ffs. Look at the PIIGS (Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece, Spain) mess with the EU. And Brexit. The wealthy EU countries like Germany resent having to "carry" the PIIGS countries. And the PIIGS countries resent having to take orders from Brussels (the Euro central bank) and being Brussels' bitch.

When my parents immigrated to Canada from Europe, I didn't adopt "white" as my identity. I adopted Canadian as my identity. And I don't even feel particularly patriotic anyways because Canada is sold off by the politicians to the highest bidder anyways. I don't even feel kinship with Canadians. People are shit. How are you supposed to make me feel kinship with people who share white skin pigment? lmao.

Your whole White Nationalist identity is rooted in sexual frustration and fear of the BBC. You don't get laid. You might even live with your parents or be unemployed or underemployed. So you want to blame all your problems on racial minorities and Jews. I've been with lots of black guys. Black guys are my primary preference. My boyfriend is black. But I don't think black men are necessarily bigger than white men. I've had sex with both. Yet you fear the BBC and black male sexuality and get triggered every time you see a black man with a white woman. Meanwhile if a white girl is having sex with Chad, the end result is the same: She's not having sex with (you).