>>5914940went outside for an early morning smoke and there was a niglet trying to break into my neighbours car. at first I thought the sound was a raccoon knocking over garbage cans but then I saw the nig walk around the side of the car and try the passenger door. told him to fuck off my street and I guess them's fightin words. I thought he was down for a proper scrap cause he came at me hiking his pants up like he wanted to throw hands but he pulled a knife out of his waistband and just lunged at me with it. short fucker with short arms so it was easy to jump back but I tripped over the curb behind me like a faggot and landed on my ass. sent him a couple of good kicks to the face and gut but he poked me in the leg on the first kick, I think he was aiming for my gut or my balls with this weird awkward downward slashing technique but I guess the kick moved him far enough back he got my leg instead. he got knocked on his ass for a second and I got up but he was fucking gone by the time I got my shit together, just sprinting off into the darkness. kid couldn't have been older than 17, the whole thing was really rather awkward as far as fights go. If I wasn't still drunk from last night I probably would have been a little more ready. the nigger was speaking french, probably a haitian.
I understand why americans have guns now. 1/10 would not get stabbed again.