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ID:y6cI/jOa No.5916005 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
hello /bant/ im a bit confused about myself. i have a good personality and a bad one. the good one is the one you see now. but occasionally it will come out. i dont like it that much. the other me is uncaring and cold. its not just like im acting it. when im Ritsu or when im the other personality i feel as if im them. when i do good stuff as Ritsu its rewarding and bad stuff is bad. its oppisite with the other person. i could have massacred someone and the only reaction i would have would be laugther. im confused on who i am anymore. it feels like im stuck in black and white. its not like im changing my self. i just feel very different. i probably sound like a edgy person and i am probably just a stupid person. anyways this is a free thread but please be nice :)