I'd try to pick up new hobbies and maybe learn a skill or a language. That's pretty much the biggest thing you can do I'd say. Actually picking up something you're interested in and actually doing something related. Be it art, as in painting, writing, music, photography, calligraphy and whatnot, something cultural like literature, movies, or something more "nerdy" like history, heraldry, vexicollogy, geography, busimess or a science.
Those can also be encouraging to travel somewhere, wich could help as well.
Sports and fitness obviously are a path to go too. Besides gaining motivation and mental health you also increase your physical health wich always is good.
As for nofap, I'm quite sure it mostly is a meme - but hell, 10-12 times a week? That's too much. First off all, I'd definitley reduce that, secondly I would stop fapping to porn.