The best and brightest men used to make music, paint, write epic books, make awesome video games... Now they work at the Drive Thru while some Jews and a lot of women create all the art. This is why we will never have good art again. Our society is dead. And it will not rise again. The endless grey is upon us. No death. No life. Just dull.
Fortunately, I have found Christ and am slowly killing all worldly desire and refining myself into a tool of pure spirit. The effect is always equal to the cause, so if the world of the present was created by the world of the past and thus even those "good times" of the past are tainted and cannot return and should not be celebrated. Dust becomes dust becomes dust. This world must pass through fire and be destroyed. I hope it happens soon. This is my only hope. Abdication of the self is the only path to self improvement. Put up the collar of my cloak, turn my back on the bitter winds of this life, and walk away. All men die alone.