>>5955916Do you want the real version or the fake version peddled these days? The real story is that following the flood, the anti deluvian priest, king, and philosopher known as Enoch, Thoth, Ningishzidda, and/or Quetzacotl was tasked with restoring pre flood knowledge to mankind's survivors all over the world.
To the sumerians, Enoch was the grandson of Enki, known as Ea or "Adonai" to the Canaanites. If you follow the story of Ea's creation of man, there was more than one version. The first version he created were the Adamites. He later, against the wishes of the Hebrew god as we now know him, created a new race of man called the Adappites. This new version had the appearance of the gods and a level of intelligence and ability that constituted the "knowledge of good and evil" that the Jewish god forbade us from having.
Ea's domain was the ocean, magic, artifice, and astrology. You might also know him as Cain from the adulterated Jewish version of the tale of the two brothers, which is really an entirely different story but contains too many similarities to he dismissed as a completely new tale, since we know the Jewish writings were based on mythology from several different religions , including Egypt and Sumer.
Long story short, one city EA built was Atlantis and following the flood he tasked survivors of this city, led by his grandson Ningishzidda, to build the pyramids at Giza and thereafter teach the rest of humanity the basics of civilization.