>>5958769I see you're a man of tastes. Okay, so I am heavily editing the Savage Worlds system for my own setting after running a pirate campaign with it last semester. The system has a mechanic called "Bennies", if you are unfamiliar it's a lot like DnD inspiration, at least in 5e, in that it lets a player reroll things. In normal SW, players start each session with 3 and can earn more through roleplaying; they're meant to not be a super scarce resource. For my system, I am stuck between two ideas.
1. Players start sessions with 2 per usual, but if the player earns and keeps like 3 or however many by the end of the session, they can turn them in so that at the beginning of the next session, something lucky might happen to them, eg finding a grenade if we ended up with them in a firefight. Something to encourage roleplaying, even if the player is lucky and doesn't need to use the bennies during normal play.
Idea 2. Have a luck trait which plays can invest in to make their characters luckier and give them more bennies at the start of sessions