>PEDO APOLOGISTTake note, /pol/ is currently experiencing a coordinated shilling campaign. SOMEONE IS VERY AFRAID. Whether it be redditors or seminar posters hired by Warner/Turner Media or Harmon himself in order to quell the rising storm, the shills can be identified by their usage of the following scripted, focus group-tested terms:
sjw - (e.g., "/pol/ is turning into a bunch of sjws")
snowflake - ("hey wuss, it's raunchy humor you snowflake")
free speech - ("this is a disgusting attack on free speech")
art - ("this is a brazen onslaught against artistic expression")
edgy - ("he was just being edgy, you uptight schoolmarms")
joke - ("it was a joke, any criticism will have a chilling effect")
cringe - ("this whole thing is so cringe")
mob - ("mob justice")
Just perform a search on the 4plebs archives and you'll notice similar phrases arising again and again. Please add to this list, Like slime from the primordial ooze, no doubt these cretins will evolve their methods over time.