>>5967434Drug trafficking is the least of our civilizations fucking issues at the moment. We have willingly supported weakness and stupidity and held them up as the standard of good for children, Not only that but replacing our children for hurt feelings.
Immigration is a matter of the executive branch, Trump could have pushed the issue with the ruling that his "Muslim ban" went into practice but he didn't. If the dems get the midterms im just supposed to vote for the based zionist again right?
No things have changed, We now have a president who wholeheartedly supports the jewish state in its entirety while it dupes dumb republicans into supporting its child rape cult.
You aren't winning as you haven't fixed any issues that matter to our civilizations survival.
Truth is relativistic, Your truth isn't my truth as it is perceived by yourself. Standardized truth is a result of the whole collective deciding on a loose basis of truth that wasn't the truth a hundred years ago and won't be the truth a hundred years from now.
If you want to go support the NSA, the Jewish state and the Haradim go to /ptg/, If not fuck off you brainwashed sheep. Trump isn't going to solve shit as long as he grovels before Israel.