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The most based thing on bant

!Raffiei.HA ID:Hj7wjFia No.5981205 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
NO MORE FROGE SPAM NO MORE ANIME/TOUHOU SPAM This is a random board, not the autistic birthchild of /a/ and reddit! Join the Based and Redpilled Party of the r/banter today, or forever be known as a blackpilled cuck who probably just came here from r/pol thinking that this unironically was some sort of /pol/'s trash board where off-topic /pol/ shit goes, if you are that person, that is just what the mods think, u guys are always about le border wall but pour into here like fagits, everyday I sense /pol/fags, although not as bad as cirno or frogefags/.

After a while it gets boring, seeing the sad autistic threads Dr. GayForDicks posts constantly, and when he insists to me that normally you guys talk about the actual touhou game or whatever, I cry inside, knowing that its autismo doesn't allow it to see the truth, the sad truth that every anime/touhou poster faces, but just cannot accept for the life of them. Lole here's sayuka giving cirno the fishe lole, le marisa hanging upside down on le broome. Haha muh funni anime thread that could go elsewhere.

And froges, you're better than the anime fags but not as cute as anime, however, you do make more entertaining threads that have more variety, but it has to stop, this is not reddit, now I know just like cirno, apu and the pepe and croyder and le froges are apart of 4chan and /bant/ culture, however this is a random board, so if you just wanna spam those memes just go to r/lolfunnifrogefrom4chanlole.

>>5980686 says it the best, Dr. GayForDicks just posts boring the same shit all the time. Even if he posted actual shit about the game, that should go in /v/ or some anime board or cripplechan or some shitscord server. If this both sides do not do the reasonable, there will just be tension followed by many gay meme wars where they try to paint the catalogue green or blue. Rise above this. Don't be a faggot, be a redpilled and based, radical, rational, centrist. Also there's still kot threads, stop that gay shit nigga.