>>6038892>>6038893>>6038894>>6038895>>6038896>>6038897>>6038898>>6038899> be me> have only ever voted Republican> army veteran> afghan war veteran> gun owner> concealed carry permit holder> work in law enforcement> son of police officer, grandson of police officer> hate the gangs, criminals, and SJW leftists destroying this country> hated Hillary> think that Trump is a coward and a traitor to this country for many reasons> think that Trump supporters are more dangerous than any other threat we currently face> get called a shill on /pol/As more and more of us turn our back on this joke of a president and on the cultist movement you guys blindly follow, the more you'll say /pol/ is infested with "shills" and Democrat bots. But we are real people that are expressing our frustration and disillusion with this president and his administration. Face it, anon, there are a lot of us oldfags who think this president is fucking pathetic and that you guys are even more pathetic for supporting him. Either wake the fuck up and get right, or realize you're too-far-gone and neck yourselves, or wait until you get dragged into the streets and punished for being such faggots.