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Time for a feel good thread

ID:BDq0i5Q5 No.6055566 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Feels good

So I have needed a new car for some time
>Be me, 4 months ago, 16 yo, just bought first car
>Car doesn't work for shit, alternator dies on the way home from dealer

>Be me, 2 months later
>Something else breaks on car every time I start it
>It's fucking European, so all of the parts are rare and expensive
>Discontinued brand, so even the used shit is expensive
>Im broke from owning this thing
>Spent past week waiting for new part to ship, order got cancelled
>List the car for sale everywhere I can

>Be me, one week ago
>Just sold shit heap car for peanuts
>Grandfather let's me test drive his custom racing mustang
>Turns out I'm the only person in the family that likes driving it
>Everything works perfectly on it
>I start doing some math

>Be me, 1 hr ago
>Explained to family how I'm the only person who likes the mustang
>Explain how insurance for it is not that bad
>Only need for two years because I leave for college
>Awkward silence as family thinks about it
>Grandfather likes the idea.
>Titles it over to me that very hour
>I drive home in a car worth $120000