[10 / 2 / ?]
wageslave cashier McDicknalds here, i got some stories of stupid people asking me weurd/stupid questioms and weird people overall
>4 foot 9 girl comes in wearing a "i'm with her" yelling to her fatass purple haired friend about how she should stop eating meat because it's damaging to the environment
>landhwale is annoyed and straight up says "i'll eat what i want girl, are you fatphobic or something?"
>immediatly want to go to the drive thru and wait while another coworker deals with those fuckers
>realize i'm the only cashier at the front, can't escape
>have to deal with their bullshit
>half-ass a smile and start with, welcome to Mcdicknald's how can i help you today?
>4 foot 9 girl asks for salad and a cup of hot water
>put her order on register, now the landwhale's tuen
>i turn to face the behemoth of a landwhale and ask what she'd like to eat
>she orders two Double bigmac meals, two classic mcflurried with everything inside, both fries changed to a Poutine (live in canada near the border)
>"Alright, this will be-
>shortie interupts me, she asks "wait, is there Gluten in the hot water?"
>tell her that it's littrraly just really hot water
>is this bitch retarded?
>tell her "of course not, miss"
>landwhale interupts me, yelling incoherently
>manage to scrap togheter a few audible words, something about how gender is a social construct or some shit
>at this point the few customers in the restaurant are looking at her
>shortie tries to calm her down
>fattie shoves her asside, fight ensues
>before fattie manages to split shortie's spine in half, a chad and my manager stops her.
>they yell at eachother while landwhale pays for the food using some money in her purse, a mcdonald's card that had like 6$ on it and her credit card
>mfw they keep arguing the whole time they are eating
>4 foot 9 girl comes in wearing a "i'm with her" yelling to her fatass purple haired friend about how she should stop eating meat because it's damaging to the environment
>landhwale is annoyed and straight up says "i'll eat what i want girl, are you fatphobic or something?"
>immediatly want to go to the drive thru and wait while another coworker deals with those fuckers
>realize i'm the only cashier at the front, can't escape
>have to deal with their bullshit
>half-ass a smile and start with, welcome to Mcdicknald's how can i help you today?
>4 foot 9 girl asks for salad and a cup of hot water
>put her order on register, now the landwhale's tuen
>i turn to face the behemoth of a landwhale and ask what she'd like to eat
>she orders two Double bigmac meals, two classic mcflurried with everything inside, both fries changed to a Poutine (live in canada near the border)
>"Alright, this will be-
>shortie interupts me, she asks "wait, is there Gluten in the hot water?"
>tell her that it's littrraly just really hot water
>is this bitch retarded?
>tell her "of course not, miss"
>landwhale interupts me, yelling incoherently
>manage to scrap togheter a few audible words, something about how gender is a social construct or some shit
>at this point the few customers in the restaurant are looking at her
>shortie tries to calm her down
>fattie shoves her asside, fight ensues
>before fattie manages to split shortie's spine in half, a chad and my manager stops her.
>they yell at eachother while landwhale pays for the food using some money in her purse, a mcdonald's card that had like 6$ on it and her credit card
>mfw they keep arguing the whole time they are eating