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Summarize your life

ID:buklAW7/ No.606103 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>6 years old lived in a big house, dad gets arrested for drug trafficking but post bond
>8 years old awake to the SWAT team pointing guns at my face and arresting my parents for murder (of a witness)
>12 get arrested for acting as a lookout during an armed robbery with my foster brother, 21 days in Juvie
>15 get kicked out of the foster home and was coach surfing for a bit and commiting petty thefr
>Get arrested for armed burglary and sentenced to 364 days in Juvie
>16 get out and take up boxing
>18, weeks before my first pro fight I get ran over by a friend who owed me money and was angry that I called him out on it in front of his gf
>20 I'm finally physically okay after 2 years of walking with a cane and dealing with brain injury
>21 I get arrested for being a felon in possession of a firearm and assault with a deadly weapon because I chimped out and pulled it on a woman who was trying to get into road rate with me.
>24 I get out of prison
>One night walking to the halfway home after work I get hit by a drunk woman
>Wake up 20 days later from a company
>Don't even think much about it
>Go back to the halfway home and start going back to physical therapy and shit
>One day an attorney knocks on my door and ask me to come to his office
>Turns out the lady who ran me over has a father in the oil industry and wants to settle out of court before I can even start litigation
>Get a very generous 6 figure settlement
>Use that money and open up a pressure cleaning business
>It's doing great (and still is)
>Got in touch with my little brother, he starts helping run the business also
>Business is now worth 7 figures
>28, met up with my old boxing coach
>29, tomorrow we are having our grand opening of our boxing gym