You are the most homosexual cock-sucking faggot that I have ever seen. You will be hanged on the day of the rope, I can assure you that. To spare you would disgrace the will of our ancestors. If your great grandfather saw you today, he would whip you into the pavement, you fucking gay ass piece of dicklicking shit. Even trannies are less gay than you. I bet you want a trap dick half an inch in your ass and you would still cum from just that. You faggot. Eat HIV positive cum and die, it's the last thing that you would've wanted. If you're calling yourself homosexual just to play the victim, then I have no remorse for you. Your genetics are non-existent and I'm pretty sure that you're the most sterile organism on this horrid planet. The one thing that evolution intended for humans to do and you ever so blatantly destroyed that thing. Reproduction is something that you won't fucking do, you fucking faggot. Take a dick up the ass and never show your face on this board ever again. Even /lgbt/ is too good for you. Leave 4chan now and never come back. If you do, I'll make sure that it'll be the last time that you do. I will make your death the most painful thing that you have ever felt, even beyond the first constipation that you experienced after taking a dick up the ass. Mark my fucking words, you fucking faggot.