I'm an MI6 agent and The Storm is a huge international operation
I am an unofficial asset (so I don't get paid) but I am a very high ranking agent and for the past two years there's been a huge operation which from my angle consists of electronically telepathic communication (like the codec from MGS) and secret messages from TV and radio (mainly gameshows called The Chase and Tipping Point) and me sending messages with media. It might sound like craziness but I can literally feel the RFID chip in my earlobe. The mission is basically a reworking of Project Blue Beam. With me as "antichrist".
If you haven't yet read this free book, it is the most consise and sourced book on deep state satanic pedophilia
https://phibetaiota.net/2017/07/joachim-hagopian-pedophilia-empire/ According to the messages I've been getting, we're doing really well.
If you're a Brit you may have seen the story about child spies, I uncovered that
>>6089353 The Chase and Tipping Point?
Fucking really now?
do you use remote viewing?
>>6089353 >so I don't get paid Anonymous
>>6089356 Yeah, questions are linked and the contestants are selected specially
>>6089359 how does it work?
describe the comms system, a brief rundown if you will
>>6089361 OK so it has a few things too it, it reads my mind and can react using my bodily movement (laugh or smile at something I said, scratch head etc) it can put thoughts in my head to communicate but that is far less efficient than talking through my mouth. If I want to send a message about something, like say I'm watching a show and it becomes relevent, I blink (left eye is no, right eye is kind of or maybe, both eyes is definitely) I can also use the rest of my body to send information. Basically its highly contextual and links to their database
>>6089363 Also when I talk they can hear it
>>6089354 >The storm >child spies brief rundown?
also what for you, is the purpose of this thread?
>>6089363 that does not sound fun.
you should switch to books, maybe tell a doctor.
TV rots your brain.
daily /pol/ schizo thread
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Look at this fucking samefag retard. Fuck off you larping cunt
>>6089365 The storm is a semi secret intelligence coup in america and in Britain about deep state pedophilia, among other uses child "spies" are used by many intelligence agencies to blackmail the global elite and their cronies (but mostly just as "payment")
Partly luls because I genuinely know that its happening and my handlers let me do it (its kind of driving me nuts) partly because this could help 4chans investigation and morale
>>6089366 There is literally a shard of metal in my earlobe, I was literally briefed about this by a friend before his happened
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>>6089367 it's still better than half the threads.
what is going on with the catalogue. OP needs to mindcontrol the fucking shills back to were the came from
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>>6089370 Take it out faggot. Stop working for niggers for free, nigger niger
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>>6089370 Also it is fun as hell
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>>6089370 Okay, so you are a bionic James Bond with techno psychic abilities and you all use this to manipulate game show outcomes but now you are ready to help 4/chins/ hunt pedos in the time you have left before you take your final form as the anti-christ?
>>6089370 Please kill yourself, no one believes your retarded LARPing. Try harder next time.
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>>6089369 >4chans >investigation >morale You really shouldn't smoke and LARP, you know.
>>6089375 Its not like I can give proof you Anarchocrapitalist
>>6089377 I know you can't, because you're full of shit
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>>6089364 You're sounding schizophrenic my guy
This is schizophrenia. Yes the intelligence agencies do clandestine work. Yes most of it is boring and some of it is dangerous and exciting (small amount). You are not interesting enough most likely for them to be interested in, and if you were, at all, you'd know it because someone would have approached you or you would be involved in crime or terrorism or something. Some random NEET with schizophrenia with no ties to anything of a national defence interest isn't really going to be of worth, are they? I don't believe you are an "unofficial asset." All assets are technically unofficial and they try their hardest to protect and please them. They would pay you and give you nice things and socialize / try to bond with you if you were an asset of worth (or at all, really). So I am sorry to say to you OP but if you are not joking about this -- you have the schizophrenia.
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>>6089378 if he was legit he'd have better numerical jujitsu
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LOL. “...high rank agent...doesn’t get paid...”. Just.
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>>6089370 “...Q predicted...”. My sides.
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>INB4 this is some random schizo kid that actually believes this shit.
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>>6089370 ... I had a small metal object show up in my jaw on xray
>>6089380 I attacked a brothel in my university town with an aerosol can and a lighter then jumped out their window, seven cop cars came but I got "let off" in an ambulance for a brief stay at a psych ward, he pub is no longer open. And my friend who inlisted me is the son of a millionaire
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>>6089387 >the pub is no longer open You're that kid on the playground that would say his dad works at Nintendo aren't you?
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>>6089387 You have schizophrenia, please get help, you need it. The people put you in a psych ward because what you did was the product of your illness. The people whose window you broke probably could realise you weren't quite there in the head and didn't press charges -- this is why you got "let off" for what was very likely a minor thing. The fact you town is a university town has nothing to do with it I think. Why mention that? That is odd. And as for your friend, either he is being mean to you or you imagined him. Sorry, mate. You have schizophrenia and it is painfully obvious.
>>6089353 Right on bro stay safe shadilay trust the plan WWG1WGA shiggy shiggy cocoa pop
>>6089353 Mods need to move this bullshit to /x/
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>>6089391 Mods need to purge the Isrealis from this board
>>6089353 Aw man at first I thought it was a LARP but its schizophrenia
>>6089393 Both are equally funny to laugh at.
>>6089391 >implying /pol/ isnt the biggest skitzo larp board now Anonymous
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>>6089394 >>6089395 This nigger is an amatuer
Real hardcore MK ULTRA LARPers get tattoos
>>6089390 Anonymous
>>6089394 Hey at least I have telepathic prostitutes, and telepathic drugs (I sniff my finger, stimulant rush)
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>>6089397 So yeah I do get paid, in fact kinda contrary to this thread I get therapy
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>>6089353 >boomers come here to shill their demented books now thanks, Qkikes
>>6089397 Can you send me a message in telepathic hieroglyphs?
Dunno why you should feel bad for me I'm saving the world and I'm one of the most important person who's ever lived, you will never ever feel as awesome as I have felt.
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>>6089370 thats a sebaceous cyst frog poster.
also, fuck you for being cool with being a cia nigger for free
>>6089401 That is schizophrenia bud. And if that is what you think and believe, if that is your world: then yes, I feel pity for you for you must be wracked with anxiety if that's the reality you live in. You, a nobody, a mentally ill NEET from the UK; are responsible for "saving the world." I mean holy fuck. How do you function?
>>6089404 For your information I handle it like a badass because I'm not a gutless brainless faggot like you. I'm James Fuckin Bond bitch. And yes that's exactly the point of why it works
>>6089405 BTW, there are intelligence people watching this thread who know exactly who I am and that makes me feel very good
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>>6089353 >unofficial asset (so I don't get paid) >>6089353 >very high ranking agent >>6089353 >electronically telepathic communication kyslarpfag
>>6089406 This is why you're fake. Why would you want them to know who you are supposedly leaking information? They'd have you dead in a day if they wanted.
>>6089406 >Nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic fields from monitors https://patents.google.com/patent/US6506148B2/en Anonymous
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>>6089409 Holy shit thank you
>>6089408 First of all, to you faggots, so what.
Second, this is a huge operation and I'm a big part of it, self evidently they can't kill me
Thirdly, what info did I leak? Not much really
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>>6089353 Not true and quite homosexual.
>>6089411 You're conspiring against your own intelligence agency apparently and boasting about it while claiming that they know you are. If you were real you wouldn't be alive for very long.
>>6089413 There's a coup you retard, its an intelligence war
Holy fuck this is autistic.
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>>6089416 Nope, its good old schizophrenic.
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>>6089353 sage, non-political
>>6089415 No this me, BTW I'm announcing myself to people watching
>>6089419 With that potato face my dude is definitely on the spectrum
>>6089420 I actually do have Aspergers syndrome
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have you worked with james casbolt/michael prince or max spiers?
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>>6089353 >but I am a very high ranking agent Get help anon. I mean it.
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>>6089414 >its an intelligence war it sure is
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>>6089353 Of ocurse you fucking are, god /pol/ is pathetic
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>>6089353 >needing an rfid chip to pick up the transmission What a fucking pleb. Also.. >"im the antichrist" No, you are just a faggot.
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>>6089353 I am an even higher ranking agent and this guy is actually the real pedophile in deep cover
Guys how much of /pol/, Q, and conspiracy forums is just people with schizophrenia talking with other people with schizophrenia?
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>>6089425 So's most of 4chan
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>>6089425 >Satan mocks autists in their own home Digits check out
>I'm a useless bored LARPING retard. No one would ever read my writing in any other format, because I am so bland, so limp, so lacking in creativity, poetry, gravitas or anything to offer the world whatsoever.
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>>6089353 schizo schizo schizo
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>>6089431 Hey fuck you, it's not schizophrenia! It's just mild schizoid retardation + years of heavy marijuana use + years of staring at the TV and/or youtube "documentaries" + onset of dementia.
>>6089434 Obsidian cavier bubbles
buoy and sail in
pale green bile foam,
Pulsing steam against cool fag-end West-end pavement
Outlined in nightclub rose neon,
pickled in peach schnapps.
Oozing fifty quid sophistication into the cracks of London's ground
I wrote that
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>>6089411 I have a schizophrenic friend who says literally the exact same things as you. Part of a big operation, he's antichrist etc.
>>6089422 >posting “I have Aspergers” on 4chan No shit. This is like announcing you masturbate on a Pornhub forum.
>>6089439 pajeets do just that
>>6089437 not bad
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>>6089353 I love when bipolars think they are me.
I've been mindraping demons for half a decade now.
You aren't making headway, your onion routed man in the middle skin through the SES has ended and you are being fed false information and you still haven't caught on.
Pedo bonfires all through '19
nigger have you worked with james casbolt/michael prince or max spiers? do you know them?
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>>6089353 So are you going to take out the Saxe-((Coburgs)) anytime soon?
Do you work with American MI or Plus Ultra?
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>>6089353 Most schizo thing I've read in a while...
>>181128487 You liking the timeline bro?
Where'd that CIA badge guy go?
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>>6089353 LARPers need to be fucking gassed
>>6089448 it keeps me busy
>>6089449 not cia. but in the know.
>>6089451 Interesting, anything you wanna share?
>>6089452 depends. anything you want you ask?
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>>6089353 Its just Operators kidding with you, just don't mind it.
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>>6089453 I'm expecting a no for obvious reasons but do you know anything about me or "someone like me"?
>>6089453 Is here anything you would suggest I focus my efforts on?
Anomaly General !zYSTXAtBqk
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>>6089353 Get out of this game while you still can.
Tribulation is a very, very dangerous war.
>>6089456 Hey fag, tell MI6 The devil sucks my arsehole
>>6089456 bettering yourself and your family. turn off main stream media. save seeds. learn to garden. meditate. move away from heavily populated areas. this all sounds generic, but its the best advice least often used. you can only control what you have/have been given authority over.
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>>6089459 They say they're sorry
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>>6089460 Meditation actually sounds like a good plan
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>>6089353 >watching uk tv Stupid little bitch. I bet you watch this morning and Jeremy Kyle too. Loser.
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>>6089353 You have mixed delusional disorder, it goes away with time. Try taking it easy on the weed. Do you find yourself stronger and full of stamina? If so you could have hypomania as well. If you're hypomanic go pick a fight with someone and I guarantee your tapped ass would win. Enjoy it while it lasts crazy anon, it's a fun experience.
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I've never had a thread be put on bant before
Elliot Rodger (Supreme Gentleman)
Elliot Rodger (Supreme Gentleman) ID:PHxzKNGe Sat 04 Aug 2018 19:21:07 No. 6091386 Report Quoted By: