Stick bug GOD (90HP)
Retired Beetle Knight
Retired Beetle Knight ID:iE+gwRSW Sat 20 May 2017 11:13:01 No. 609608 Report Rolling.
Quoted By:
Better not be a fucking lady bug this time
Queen bee-chan (120HP) (lvl1)
Queen bee-chan (120HP) (lvl1) ID:1beMuA9O Sat 20 May 2017 11:13:35 No. 609614 Report Quoted By:
Come to me my bees
Stick bugu-chan 0/90
Stick bugu-chan the second 90/90
Stick bugu-chan the second 90/90 ID:+thQdu/n Sat 20 May 2017 11:14:33 No. 609626 Report Quoted By:
>>609615 Wow, again? Well shit.
Stick bug GOD (90HP)
>>609615 Why hello there my servant
we will dominate !!
Quoted By:
>>609604 I attack the bee
Fuck bees
Queen bee-chan (120HP) (lvl1)
Queen bee-chan (120HP) (lvl1) ID:1beMuA9O Sat 20 May 2017 11:15:34 No. 609643 Report >>609602 There's only enough room for one god around these parts
Quoted By:
Become an bug.
Unretired Beetle Knight [150 HP] [Level 1]
Unretired Beetle Knight [150 HP] [Level 1] ID:iE+gwRSW Sat 20 May 2017 11:16:00 No. 609663 Report Quoted By:
>>609608 >8 I reincarnate into a new, strange world. Rolling to search for the local beetle city.
Quoted By:
>>609604 Second attack cause based grasshopper
Stick bugu-chan the 2nd 90/90
Stick bugu-chan the 2nd 90/90 ID:+thQdu/n Sat 20 May 2017 11:17:04 No. 609673 Report >>609627 Of course my lord.
Hopefully we run into some beetles. Those monsters butchered my father.
Stick bug GOD (90HP)
Quoted By:
>>609643 hahaha faggot , retaliate
Stick bug GOD (90HP)
>>609673 I give you my blessings servant ! now attack:
>>609643 Queen bee-chan (96HP) (lvl1)
Queen bee-chan (96HP) (lvl1) ID:1beMuA9O Sat 20 May 2017 11:19:35 No. 609703 Report >>609685 I won't go down that easy, catch these blows
Stick bugu-chan the 2nd 90/90
Stick bugu-chan the 2nd 90/90 ID:+thQdu/n Sat 20 May 2017 11:20:01 No. 609708 Report Quoted By:
>>609685 Of course milord.
Come queen, let's dance!
Stick bug GOD (90HP)
Quoted By:
>>609703 i see you are failing quite hard my queen
Take this you whore !
Unretired Beetle Knight [150 HP] [Level 1]
Unretired Beetle Knight [150 HP] [Level 1] ID:iE+gwRSW Sat 20 May 2017 11:21:17 No. 609722 Report Being unsuccessful in my endeavor to find any beetle settlements, I let out a beetle sigh. Hearing fighting in the distance, I slowly approach. My metaphorical eyes widen in shock as I notice two stickbugs before I laugh and shake my head. Deciding to honor the memory of my fallen foe from the previous dimension, I lunge in to help them, despite my suspicion that they will strike out at me just as my brothers and I had done to them in the past.
"Hear my roar bee!"
>>609643 Anonymous
>>609703 Don't worry spiders I got your back, fuck this bee
>>609703 Second attack, as all the bugs unite against the bee menace.
Stick bug GOD (90HP)
Queen bee-chan (73HP) (lvl1)
Queen bee-chan (73HP) (lvl1) ID:1beMuA9O Sat 20 May 2017 11:24:22 No. 609750 Report >>609722 We are both imperials why don't we start an Alliance?
>>609735 Attacking
Queen bee-chan (73HP) (lvl1)
Queen bee-chan (73HP) (lvl1) ID:1beMuA9O Sat 20 May 2017 11:24:54 No. 609756 Report Quoted By:
>>609750 Jesus these rolls
Stick bug GOD (90HP)
>>609728 put your name and HP faggot
>>609750 Why don't you drop dead queen ?
King grasshopper [90/90hp]
King grasshopper [90/90hp] ID:FpmaWMB9 Sat 20 May 2017 11:26:13 No. 609770 Report Quoted By:
>>609750 To the death then, attacking
Queen bee-chan (73HP) (lvl1)
Queen bee-chan (73HP) (lvl1) ID:1beMuA9O Sat 20 May 2017 11:26:18 No. 609771 Report >>609761 Not happy desu
Attacking the false god
King grasshopper [90/90hp]
King grasshopper [90/90hp] ID:FpmaWMB9 Sat 20 May 2017 11:26:58 No. 609774 Report Anonymous
Stick bug GOD (90HP)
Quoted By:
>>609771 Oh yeah ?
Take this you retarded """queen"""
kill this bitch
Grasshoppar [90/90hp]
Grasshoppar [90/90hp] ID:bBlDN3x9 Sat 20 May 2017 11:28:31 No. 609791 Report Quoted By:
Stick bug GOD (90HP)
Quoted By:
>>609785 Oh, what a pleasant surprise , Attack the bee queen
Unretired Beetle Knight [150 HP] [Level 1]
Unretired Beetle Knight [150 HP] [Level 1] ID:iE+gwRSW Sat 20 May 2017 11:28:53 No. 609799 Report >>609750 "I took the life of a stickbug long ago...... Now I will save the life of one."
I refuse and attempt to plunge my pincers into the Queen Bee's wings. Rolling to attack.
Grasshoppar [90/90hp]
Grasshoppar [90/90hp] ID:bBlDN3x9 Sat 20 May 2017 11:29:57 No. 609806 Report >>609774 THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE. let's roll.
Grasshoppar [90/90hp]
Grasshoppar [90/90hp] ID:bBlDN3x9 Sat 20 May 2017 11:30:22 No. 609809 Report Queen bee-chan (58HP) (lvl1)
Queen bee-chan (58HP) (lvl1) ID:1beMuA9O Sat 20 May 2017 11:31:09 No. 609817 Report >>609799 It wasn't supposed to be this way, attacking
King grasshopper [75/90hp]
King grasshopper [75/90hp] ID:FpmaWMB9 Sat 20 May 2017 11:31:52 No. 609821 Report Quoted By:
>>609809 Wtf grasshopper bro, betrayed by my brethren.
Attack in return
Unretired Beetle Knight [150 HP] [Level 1]
Unretired Beetle Knight [150 HP] [Level 1] ID:iE+gwRSW Sat 20 May 2017 11:31:53 No. 609822 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
Grasshopper please
Stick bug GOD (90HP)
Quoted By:
>>609817 It was , trust me
Aiding the honorable beetle and destroying this bee queen
King grasshopper [75/90hp]
King grasshopper [75/90hp] ID:FpmaWMB9 Sat 20 May 2017 11:32:43 No. 609829 Report Anonymous
Stickbug (50HP)
Unretired Beetle Knight [143 HP] [Level 1]
Unretired Beetle Knight [143 HP] [Level 1] ID:iE+gwRSW Sat 20 May 2017 11:33:07 No. 609834 Report >>609817 "But it is now."
I attack back.
King grasshopper [75/90hp]
King grasshopper [75/90hp] ID:FpmaWMB9 Sat 20 May 2017 11:33:51 No. 609842 Report >>609817 Even though I'm being stabbed in the back I'm still gonna kill that bee.
Queen bee-chan (50HP) (lvl1)
Queen bee-chan (50HP) (lvl1) ID:1beMuA9O Sat 20 May 2017 11:34:27 No. 609851 Report Stick bugu-chan the 2nd 90/90
Stick bugu-chan the 2nd 90/90 ID:+thQdu/n Sat 20 May 2017 11:34:30 No. 609853 Report Quoted By:
>>609799 Stick bugu looks at the beetle in shock, before turning and attacking the queen.
(Sorry had to leave for a few minutes. Back now.)
King grasshopper [75/90hp]
King grasshopper [75/90hp] ID:FpmaWMB9 Sat 20 May 2017 11:34:33 No. 609855 Report Quoted By:
Grasshoppar [81/90hp]
Grasshoppar [81/90hp] ID:bBlDN3x9 Sat 20 May 2017 11:35:27 No. 609867 Report >>609829 I hope you will forgive me, brother. But It was needed. Now enough talk, have at you!
Stickbug (50HP)
Grasshoppar [81/90hp]
Grasshoppar [81/90hp] ID:bBlDN3x9 Sat 20 May 2017 11:36:23 No. 609882 Report King grasshopper [64/90hp]
King grasshopper [64/90hp] ID:FpmaWMB9 Sat 20 May 2017 11:37:26 No. 609897 Report >>609882 I'll forgive you in hell traitor. Attacking
King grasshopper [64/90hp]
King grasshopper [64/90hp] ID:FpmaWMB9 Sat 20 May 2017 11:37:52 No. 609904 Report Stick bug GOD (90HP)
Grasshoppar [74/90hp]
Grasshoppar [74/90hp] ID:bBlDN3x9 Sat 20 May 2017 11:39:21 No. 609917 Report >>609897 >>609904 Wait for me there, then.
Stickbug (50HP)
Stick bug GOD (90HP)
>>609904 i will come to your aid
>>609882 die
Grasshoppar [74/90hp]
Grasshoppar [74/90hp] ID:bBlDN3x9 Sat 20 May 2017 11:39:50 No. 609927 Report King grasshopper [64/90hp]
King grasshopper [64/90hp] ID:FpmaWMB9 Sat 20 May 2017 11:40:07 No. 609932 Report Quoted By:
>>609851 I continue to fight my own kind and the bee queen, attacking
King grasshopper [64/90hp]
King grasshopper [64/90hp] ID:FpmaWMB9 Sat 20 May 2017 11:40:34 No. 609938 Report Quoted By:
Unretired Beetle Knight [143 HP] [Level 1]
Unretired Beetle Knight [143 HP] [Level 1] ID:iE+gwRSW Sat 20 May 2017 11:40:37 No. 609942 Report Quoted By:
>>609851 *unsheaths beetle katana*
*teleports behind u and stabs u with pincers and katana simultaneously*
"nothin personnel bee..."
Rolling attack.
Stick bugu-chan the 2nd 90/90
Stick bugu-chan the 2nd 90/90 ID:+thQdu/n Sat 20 May 2017 11:40:46 No. 609944 Report >>609927 For the stick bug god!
Stickbug (50HP)
Grasshoppar [53/90hp]
Grasshoppar [53/90hp] ID:bBlDN3x9 Sat 20 May 2017 11:42:32 No. 609963 Report >>609918 I will get you for this. roll
Stick bug GOD (90HP)
>>609944 Good job ! very well done !! i am quite surprised by your skills servant , you are officially not a servant now , you are a stick bug warrior
Grasshoppar [53/90hp]
Grasshoppar [53/90hp] ID:bBlDN3x9 Sat 20 May 2017 11:42:52 No. 609967 Report Quoted By:
King grasshopper [50/90hp]
King grasshopper [50/90hp] ID:FpmaWMB9 Sat 20 May 2017 11:43:20 No. 609976 Report Quoted By:
>>609925 thank you, the grasshopper king will always be an ally to the stick bugs. >>609927 You will have a long wait until I arrive there, attacking
Stickbug (50HP)
>>609963 HAHAHAHA
Pathetic, watch this
Grasshoppar [47/90hp]
Grasshoppar [47/90hp] ID:bBlDN3x9 Sat 20 May 2017 11:43:42 No. 609983 Report >>609956 >>609956 Two attacks in the same night! C'mon!
King grasshopper [50/90hp]
King grasshopper [50/90hp] ID:FpmaWMB9 Sat 20 May 2017 11:43:45 No. 609986 Report Grasshoppar [47/90hp]
Grasshoppar [47/90hp] ID:bBlDN3x9 Sat 20 May 2017 11:44:10 No. 609993 Report Stickbug (50HP)
Quoted By:
>>609980 Fug,
attacks again*
King grasshopper [50/90hp]
King grasshopper [50/90hp] ID:FpmaWMB9 Sat 20 May 2017 11:45:13 No. 610005 Report Quoted By:
>>609993 Approaches from behind for surprise attack
Grasshoppar [35/90hp]
Grasshoppar [35/90hp] ID:bBlDN3x9 Sat 20 May 2017 11:45:19 No. 610006 Report >>609986 I DIDN'T FORGET ABOUT YOU, ATTACK
Stick bugu-chan the 2nd 90/90
Stick bugu-chan the 2nd 90/90 ID:+thQdu/n Sat 20 May 2017 11:45:27 No. 610008 Report >>609964 Thank you my liege, I am truly honoured.
Does anyone know where that beetle went? I have questions for him.
Grasshoppar [35/90hp]
Grasshoppar [35/90hp] ID:bBlDN3x9 Sat 20 May 2017 11:46:05 No. 610015 Report Stickbug (43HP)
King grasshopper [50/90hp]
King grasshopper [50/90hp] ID:FpmaWMB9 Sat 20 May 2017 11:46:26 No. 610021 Report >>609993 Second attack
The tables have turned traitor
Stick bugu-chan the 2nd 90/90
Stick bugu-chan the 2nd 90/90 ID:+thQdu/n Sat 20 May 2017 11:46:30 No. 610022 Report Quoted By:
>>610006 Oh, and roll to attack.
Stickbug (38HP)
Stick bug GOD (90HP)
King grasshopper [39/90hp]
King grasshopper [39/90hp] ID:FpmaWMB9 Sat 20 May 2017 11:48:01 No. 610041 Report Quoted By:
>>610015 I recover quickly and charge in for another attack
Unretired Beetle Knight [143 HP] [Level 1]
Unretired Beetle Knight [143 HP] [Level 1] ID:iE+gwRSW Sat 20 May 2017 11:48:28 No. 610046 Report >>610008 Standing atop a nearby dirt mound, I hear the stickbug's words. A feeling of guilt overtakes me and I look back clicking my pincers together to make a sound and alert him to my presence.
"What questions do you have for me, young stickbug?"
Grasshoppar [15/90hp]
Grasshoppar [15/90hp] ID:bBlDN3x9 Sat 20 May 2017 11:48:28 No. 610047 Report >>610021 BUT THIS WAS MY PLAN ALL ALONG, ATTACK
King grasshopper [39/90hp]
King grasshopper [39/90hp] ID:FpmaWMB9 Sat 20 May 2017 11:48:57 No. 610053 Report Quoted By:
Stickbug (38HP)
Grasshoppar [15/90hp]
Grasshoppar [15/90hp] ID:bBlDN3x9 Sat 20 May 2017 11:49:07 No. 610056 Report Stick bug GOD (90HP)
>>610047 This is what u get for being a traitor , DIE
Grasshoppar [05/90hp]
Grasshoppar [05/90hp] ID:bBlDN3x9 Sat 20 May 2017 11:49:41 No. 610062 Report Quoted By:
Grasshoppar [05/90hp]
Grasshoppar [05/90hp] ID:bBlDN3x9 Sat 20 May 2017 11:50:00 No. 610064 Report Quoted By:
Stickbug (38HP)
King grasshopper [26/90hp]
King grasshopper [26/90hp] ID:FpmaWMB9 Sat 20 May 2017 11:50:13 No. 610067 Report Quoted By:
>>610056 Time for your death, attack
Stick bug GOD (90HP)
Quoted By:
>>610055 Amazing , you as well , have been promoted to a stick bug warrior
Grasshoppar [05/90hp]
Grasshoppar [05/90hp] ID:bBlDN3x9 Sat 20 May 2017 11:50:32 No. 610072 Report >>610061 I'll take some bite of you with me, attack
King grasshopper [26/90hp]
King grasshopper [26/90hp] ID:FpmaWMB9 Sat 20 May 2017 11:51:01 No. 610078 Report Grasshoppar [0/90hp]
Stick bug GOD (90HP)
Stick bugu-chan the 2nd 90/90
Stick bugu-chan the 2nd 90/90 ID:+thQdu/n Sat 20 May 2017 11:51:42 No. 610090 Report >>610046 Freezing, the young stickbug slowly turns away from the fight with the grasshopper traitor and faces the beetle. Suddenly nervous, he asks the beetle his question?
"You said you killed a stick bug long ago, yes? Do you recall his name?"
Stick bug GOD (90HP)
>>610078 Hey grasshopper
do you want to know something ?
*laughs in evil way*
Stickbug warrior (38HP)
Stickbug warrior (38HP) ID:IN9ZtZqn Sat 20 May 2017 11:52:49 No. 610101 Report Quoted By:
King grasshopper [26/90hp]
King grasshopper [26/90hp] ID:FpmaWMB9 Sat 20 May 2017 11:53:34 No. 610118 Report >>610092 Ahhhh I'm about to get back stabbed aren't I?
King grasshopper [26/90hp]
King grasshopper [26/90hp] ID:FpmaWMB9 Sat 20 May 2017 11:54:27 No. 610134 Report >>610092 >>610118 I hop away looking for food and shelter to recover from my battle before I get attacked
Unretired Beetle Knight [143 HP] [Level 1]
Unretired Beetle Knight [143 HP] [Level 1] ID:iE+gwRSW Sat 20 May 2017 11:55:02 No. 610144 Report >>610090 "His name was Stick bugu-chan. Among a myriad of foes, he was the greatest I ever faced. All others crumbled before the might of my brethren and I, but he put up a valiant fight until the very end."
I fall into a deep silence and await the stickbug's response. My long-ass beetle scarf blows in the wind.
King grasshopper [26/90hp]
King grasshopper [26/90hp] ID:FpmaWMB9 Sat 20 May 2017 11:55:15 No. 610146 Report Quoted By:
>>610134 Well damn. Guess I'm not hopping anywhere
Stick bug GOD (90HP)
>>610118 Correct
i used you as a meat Shield to get rid of the other grasshopper
Now you meet your creator
Grasshoppar [0/90hp]
>>610118 remember to level up...
King grasshopper [19/90hp]
King grasshopper [19/90hp] ID:FpmaWMB9 Sat 20 May 2017 11:57:02 No. 610250 Report >>610147 I try again to hop away to recover and escape certain death
Stick bug GOD (90HP)
>>610250 Attack the coward and hit him from behind while he tries to flee like a coward
King grasshopper [14/90hp]
King grasshopper [14/90hp] ID:FpmaWMB9 Sat 20 May 2017 12:00:19 No. 610543 Report >>610514 Broken and bloody with my vision fading I still try and to escape
>>610152 I thought only successful actions counted to leveling, do attacks count too?
Alright niggers.. step aside
Grasshoppar [0/90hp]
>>610543 attacks do count as success dude
Stick bug GOD (90HP)
>>610543 End the pathetic grasshopper
Unretired Beetle Knight [143 HP] [Level 1]
Unretired Beetle Knight [143 HP] [Level 1] ID:iE+gwRSW Sat 20 May 2017 12:01:41 No. 610564 Report >>610543 I think they do, but I might be wrong.
Stick bugu-chan the 2nd 90/90
Stick bugu-chan the 2nd 90/90 ID:+thQdu/n Sat 20 May 2017 12:01:55 No. 610568 Report >>610144 Stick bugu chan the 2nd's whole body begins to shake in anger, every fibre of his being wanting to attack the beetle knight in front of him.
In the end however, he pushes the anger down. "That was my father you killed. While every part of my being wants to kill you " and now, that isn't the life he would have wanted for me. Goodbye sir beetle. And thank you for telling the truth.
Stick bug GOD (90HP)
Grasshoppar [0/90hp]
Unretired Beetle Knight [143 HP] [Level 1]
Unretired Beetle Knight [143 HP] [Level 1] ID:iE+gwRSW Sat 20 May 2017 12:03:03 No. 610577 Report >>610550 >rolled a slug Feeling hungry from the energy expended earlier fighting the queen bee, I dive at the slug with my pincers hoping to feast on it. Rolling attack.
King grasshopper [26/90hp] [lvl 3]
King grasshopper [26/90hp] [lvl 3] ID:FpmaWMB9 Sat 20 May 2017 12:04:49 No. 610594 Report >>610555 >>610564 Oh shit then I can level twice
>>610558 Hops into bushes to hide from the other bugs
Unretired Beetle Knight [143 HP] [Level 1]
Unretired Beetle Knight [143 HP] [Level 1] ID:iE+gwRSW Sat 20 May 2017 12:04:51 No. 610595 Report >>610568 "..."
For a moment I remain silent. But as he walks away, I look back and sagenod at the stick bug. "This is a world of conflict... but we do not always need to fight. Farewell and good luck. You'd make your father proud."
Then I turn my attention back to BTFOing this slug.
Slug bug 40HP
>>610550 Slug...i can make it work..
>>610514 I USE...acidic mucus on you!
Stick bug GOD (90HP)
>>610594 im starting to get very angry , call my stick bug allies to aid me
Stick bug GOD (90HP)
Quoted By:
>>610764 rolling to kill you too
Stick bugu-chan the 2nd 90/90
Stick bugu-chan the 2nd 90/90 ID:+thQdu/n Sat 20 May 2017 12:07:56 No. 610778 Report Quoted By:
>>610595 Bugu glances back at the old beetle once more, and can't help but feel some sympathy for the poor snail that's about to get it's shit kicked in, before rushing to his leige and fellow warrior in dealing with the grasshopper king.
He manages to get behind the king, before pouncing on it, biting into one of it's legs and pulling with all his might.
Slug bug 26HP
Quoted By:
>>610577 Alright you asked for it... im not going out without a fight
Unretired Beetle Knight [143 HP] [Level 1]
Unretired Beetle Knight [143 HP] [Level 1] ID:iE+gwRSW Sat 20 May 2017 12:08:41 No. 610786 Report >>610764 Your HP should be at 26 I believe. I rolled a 7 and got dubs on it so I dealt 14 damage if I'm calculating things correctly.
That being said, I attack you again. RIP sluggu.
King grasshopper [14/90hp] [lvl 3]
King grasshopper [14/90hp] [lvl 3] ID:FpmaWMB9 Sat 20 May 2017 12:09:16 No. 610788 Report >>610766 First betrayed by my own kind and now betrayed by the stick bugs I fought beside, it seems this is the end for the grasshopper. In my dying breath I curse the stick bug race for rest of their remaining lives
Slug bug 26HP
>>610786 Attacking you too for you faggotry.
Unretired Beetle Knight [136 HP] [Level 1]
Unretired Beetle Knight [136 HP] [Level 1] ID:iE+gwRSW Sat 20 May 2017 12:11:48 No. 610819 Report >>610797 I let out an autistic screech and pincer you. Rolling damage.
King grasshopper [14/90hp] [lvl 3]
King grasshopper [14/90hp] [lvl 3] ID:FpmaWMB9 Sat 20 May 2017 12:12:01 No. 610822 Report >>610788 Oh shit, first successful action is cursing the stick bugs. Hope you enjoy getting haunted by a grasshopper ghost you back stabbing fucks
Slug bug 20HP
>>610786 I might be at half HP. But you're going down. Attack again.
Stick bug GOD (90HP)
King grasshopper [14/90hp] [lvl 3]
King grasshopper [14/90hp] [lvl 3] ID:FpmaWMB9 Sat 20 May 2017 12:13:40 No. 610840 Report Quoted By:
>>610825 >>610819 As I lay on the ground slowly dying I look over to see a slug and beetle fighting.
Yeah, not getting in that one
Unretired Beetle Knight [131 HP] [Level 1]
Unretired Beetle Knight [131 HP] [Level 1] ID:iE+gwRSW Sat 20 May 2017 12:14:08 No. 610842 Report >>610825 "i'll fuck ur shit up senpai"
I fuck your shit up senpai. Strike at your side with my pincers.
Slug bug 20HP
>>610819 I envelope you with my sticky mandible and nibble on you.
King grasshopper [3/90hp] [lvl 3]
King grasshopper [3/90hp] [lvl 3] ID:FpmaWMB9 Sat 20 May 2017 12:14:59 No. 610852 Report Quoted By:
>>610839 You might kill my you twig looking bastard but I shall return
Unretired Beetle Knight [131 HP] [Level 1]
Unretired Beetle Knight [131 HP] [Level 1] ID:iE+gwRSW Sat 20 May 2017 12:15:39 No. 610859 Report >>610844 Nimbly dodging, I run counterattack.exe.
Stick bug GOD (90HP)
Quoted By:
>>610844 rush to aid my beetle friend and kill slug
Stick bugu-chan the 2nd 90/90
Stick bugu-chan the 2nd 90/90 ID:+thQdu/n Sat 20 May 2017 12:15:45 No. 610861 Report >>610839 Yes my leige!
I charge at the grasshopper, sliding between it's legs, climbing onto it's back and climbing on it's back, biting into it's throat.
Slug bug 20HP
>>610842 Reee!! Acidic mucus attack!!
Unretired Beetle Knight [123 HP] [Level 1]
Unretired Beetle Knight [123 HP] [Level 1] ID:iE+gwRSW Sat 20 May 2017 12:16:34 No. 610870 Report >>610844 >>610859 Wait my bad. You got dubs. HP adjusted accordingly.
Stick bug GOD (90HP)
King grasshopper [2/90hp] [lvl 3]
King grasshopper [2/90hp] [lvl 3] ID:FpmaWMB9 Sat 20 May 2017 12:17:27 No. 610883 Report >>610861 Somehow still alive, barely, I remind the stick bugs of the curse I uttered apon them earlier
>>610788 Slug bug 11HP
>>610859 GETT OUTTT diee beetle!
Unretired Beetle Knight [123 HP] [Level 1]
Unretired Beetle Knight [123 HP] [Level 1] ID:iE+gwRSW Sat 20 May 2017 12:18:57 No. 610901 Report >>610884 "A mere slug is no match for me! Fall to my blade!"
Stick bugu-chan the 2nd 90/90
Stick bugu-chan the 2nd 90/90 ID:+thQdu/n Sat 20 May 2017 12:18:59 No. 610902 Report >>610883 Fuck your curse nigga, as I stomp on your head to finish you off.
Slug bug 11HP
>>610870 I'm slowly nibbling through your hard shell..
Unretired Beetle Knight [114 HP] [Level 1]
Unretired Beetle Knight [114 HP] [Level 1] ID:iE+gwRSW Sat 20 May 2017 12:20:34 No. 610923 Report >>610909 I ram into you at full force and then attempt to throw you off. Rolling damage.
Stick bugu-chan the 2nd 90/90
Stick bugu-chan the 2nd 90/90 ID:+thQdu/n Sat 20 May 2017 12:20:47 No. 610927 Report >>610909 Seeing both his leige and the old beetle fighting the slug, I rush over and tackle the slug of the beetle.
Stick bug GOD (90HP)
Quoted By:
>>610883 "DIE!" i scream while taking a last glimpse over the grasshoppers corpse "No one can defeat me" i sigh as i walk away with my comrade
Slug bug 11HP
>>610901 I absorb the attack. You cannot defeat something that eats shit for a living!
Stick bug GOD (90HP)
>>610927 noooooo
i want to see them fight
King grasshopper's ghost [0/0hp]
King grasshopper's ghost [0/0hp] ID:FpmaWMB9 Sat 20 May 2017 12:22:24 No. 610948 Report >>610902 My lifeless corps lays on the ground as my grasshopper spirit rises from its beaten remains. Betrayed by all I've met I now wander this bug world and a vengeful spirit trying to do what he can in death to foil the stick bugs and bring ruin to their lives
Slug bug 4HP
>>610923 I'm taking you out with mee!
Stick bugu-chan the 2nd 90/90
Stick bugu-chan the 2nd 90/90 ID:+thQdu/n Sat 20 May 2017 12:23:13 No. 610958 Report Quoted By:
>>610944 Forgive me my liege, as I move to stand beside him and watch the beetle and slug fight to the death.
Unretired Beetle Knight [105 HP] [Level 1]
Unretired Beetle Knight [105 HP] [Level 1] ID:iE+gwRSW Sat 20 May 2017 12:23:39 No. 610959 Report >>610927 I stare in shock for a moment before grinning with my nonexistent mouth. I charge back into battle to aid my stick bug battle brother.
>>610939 Attacking again.
Stick bug GOD (90HP)
Quoted By:
>>610948 Laugh at the grasshopper
>>610953 kill
Grasshoppar [0/90hp]
>>610944 How can you call yourself a god when you can't even save a small slug?!
Unretired Beetle Knight [105 HP] [Level 1]
Unretired Beetle Knight [105 HP] [Level 1] ID:iE+gwRSW Sat 20 May 2017 12:24:43 No. 610975 Report Quoted By:
>>610953 >>610959 Gnashing my bloody pincers, I let out a victory screech that parts the clouds and shakes the heavens. Then I nom on the slug's corpse.
Rolling to nom.
Slug bug 4HP
Quoted By:
>>610959 X.X ill return one day!! Rolling for magical dubs to resurrect me!
Stick bugu-chan the 2nd 90/90
Stick bugu-chan the 2nd 90/90 ID:+thQdu/n Sat 20 May 2017 12:25:09 No. 610980 Report >>610962 Well he did call the beetle his friend earlier.
King grasshopper's ghost [0/0hp]
King grasshopper's ghost [0/0hp] ID:FpmaWMB9 Sat 20 May 2017 12:26:14 No. 610989 Report >>610923 The beetle knight begins to hear a voice in his head as he battles the slug. "They will betray you, the sticks are not to be trusted. They will use you for their own gain and throw you to the wayside. Destroy them." The grasshopper king's ghost tells the beetle. "Why should they thrive and rule when you are clearly the strongest? You must destroy them all."
Stick bug GOD (90HP)
Quoted By:
>>610962 trying to make me fight with beetle huh ?
Stick bugu-chan the 2nd 90/90
Stick bugu-chan the 2nd 90/90 ID:+thQdu/n Sat 20 May 2017 12:28:19 No. 611010 Report >>610980 Stick bugu chan looks at the beetle and nods, silently congratulating him on his victory.
Stick bug GOD (90HP)
>>611010 Remember who killed your father
would you support your fathers killer , and some insect that is not a stick bug ? or the stick bug GOD ?
Unretired Beetle Knight [115 HP] [Level 2]
Unretired Beetle Knight [115 HP] [Level 2] ID:iE+gwRSW Sat 20 May 2017 12:29:17 No. 611020 Report >>610989 "If they betray me then so be it. But I conquered the insect kingdom once before... I will not be the first to spill stickbug blood again."
I roll to exorcise the ghost of the grasshopper with an ancient beetle ritual.
King grasshopper's ghost [0/0hp]
King grasshopper's ghost [0/0hp] ID:FpmaWMB9 Sat 20 May 2017 12:30:44 No. 611033 Report >>611020 You're ritual failed and my words were true. Now that the battle is done they are beginning to move against you.
>>611019 I try to posses the beetle with magic dubs
Stick bugu-chan the 2nd 90/90
Stick bugu-chan the 2nd 90/90 ID:+thQdu/n Sat 20 May 2017 12:31:29 No. 611038 Report >>611019 My father would not want me to betray someone who has fought with nothing but honour.
What kind of god are you, that you would betray not only the grasshoppers and the beetle that helped us defeat them?
King grasshopper's ghost [0/0hp]
King grasshopper's ghost [0/0hp] ID:FpmaWMB9 Sat 20 May 2017 12:31:29 No. 611039 Report Quoted By:
Oh shit, I'm beetle now.
Unretired Beetle Knight [115 HP] [Level 2]
Unretired Beetle Knight [115 HP] [Level 2] ID:iE+gwRSW Sat 20 May 2017 12:32:47 No. 611045 Report >>611033 >33 Holy shit.
"N-Nani?! This feeling... it is...!"
Beetle Knight is successfully possessed.
Stick bug GOD (90HP)
>>611038 Wait a minuet... YOU ARE NOT Stick bugu the second !!!
King grasshopper's ghost [0/0hp]
King grasshopper's ghost [0/0hp] ID:FpmaWMB9 Sat 20 May 2017 12:33:30 No. 611052 Report >>611045 Slaughter their stick bug god
Stick bugu-chan the 2nd 90/90
Stick bugu-chan the 2nd 90/90 ID:+thQdu/n Sat 20 May 2017 12:34:46 No. 611060 Report >>611045 Noticing something wrong with the beetle, stick bugu-chan turns to face him.
"What is it, beetle? What's wrong?"
Unretired Beetle Knight [115 HP] [Level 2]
Unretired Beetle Knight [115 HP] [Level 2] ID:iE+gwRSW Sat 20 May 2017 12:35:02 No. 611063 Report >>611052 Propelled forward by actions obviously not his own, Possessed Beetle Knight attempts to drive his pincers into the stickbug god's skull.
King grasshopper's ghost [0/0hp]
King grasshopper's ghost [0/0hp] ID:FpmaWMB9 Sat 20 May 2017 12:37:09 No. 611082 Report >>611060 >>611019 "I told you I would have my revenge" the grasshopper kings words echoe through their heads as the beetle charges.
>>611063 Destroy until you are all that's left.
Stick bug GOD (90HP)
>>611063 Avoid his pincers , shaking from fear , "he almost got me , i must defend myself"
im sorry beetle knight , i know its not you , but i must stop you
Stick bugu-chan 90/90
Stick bugu-chan 90/90 ID:+thQdu/n Sat 20 May 2017 12:39:11 No. 611097 Report >>611050 Freezing for a second. The stick bug suddenly starts to laugh, knowing the ruse is up.
"You caught me my leige. I know not how I survived my encounter with the beetles, but I did. I simply wasn't ready to return home.
Seeing the beetle charge at his god, bugu knocks him out of the way. " what the hell is wrong with you!?"
Fallen Knight Beetlezebub [115 HP] [Level 2]
Fallen Knight Beetlezebub [115 HP] [Level 2] ID:iE+gwRSW Sat 20 May 2017 12:39:14 No. 611098 Report >>611083 Beetle Knight cries out in spiritual agony and rushes forward at the Stick Bug God. Rolling attack.
>>611082 Attempt to destroy his spell with my GOD powers
"beetle, i free you from this wicked curse , you are free now , you no longer must listen to this bastard"
>>611098 See:
>>611099 you are free now !
Fallen Knight Beetlezebub [108 HP] [Level 2]
Fallen Knight Beetlezebub [108 HP] [Level 2] ID:iE+gwRSW Sat 20 May 2017 12:40:37 No. 611110 Report >>611097 HP adjusted. Beetlezebub attempts to respond, but is unable to overcome the all-consuming command from his possessor to destroy.
King grasshopper's ghost [0/0hp]
King grasshopper's ghost [0/0hp] ID:FpmaWMB9 Sat 20 May 2017 12:41:48 No. 611122 Report >>611108 My spirit leaves the beetles body as it shouts
"God damn stick but I'll get you next time."
>>611110 You retard look at this :
>>611099 you are free
he rolled 88 dubs , i rolled 99 dubs , my GOD powers overcame his curse
Beetle Knight [108 HP] [Level 2]
Beetle Knight [108 HP] [Level 2] ID:iE+gwRSW Sat 20 May 2017 12:42:16 No. 611130 Report Quoted By:
>>611099 Suddenly a holy aura overwhelms Beetle Knight. The curse is broken and he collapses to the ground. For a second he is silent, before looking up at the Stick Bug God.
"Thank you. That damned grasshopper... I couldn't stop him. Not on my own."
Punished Stick bugu-chan 90/90
Punished Stick bugu-chan 90/90 ID:+thQdu/n Sat 20 May 2017 12:43:01 No. 611139 Report Quoted By:
>>611110 Come back to us beetle! You managed to defeat me before, you can surely defeat this faggoty grasshopper.
Quoted By:
>>611122 Go away ! you stupid grasshopper , you will pay for this , i will send you to insect hell
King grasshopper's ghost [0/0hp]
King grasshopper's ghost [0/0hp] ID:FpmaWMB9 Sat 20 May 2017 12:43:25 No. 611147 Report >>611127 Fine if I can no longer posses the beetle, then I'll do the next best thing. Dubs of possession on the stick bug god
King grasshopper's ghost [0/0hp]
King grasshopper's ghost [0/0hp] ID:FpmaWMB9 Sat 20 May 2017 12:44:50 No. 611162 Report >>611147 The possession fails and my ghost disappears for now, but for how long?
Beetle Knight [108 HP] [Level 2]
Beetle Knight [108 HP] [Level 2] ID:iE+gwRSW Sat 20 May 2017 12:45:39 No. 611164 Report >>611162 Rolling to see how long. If repeating digits then it's forever.
King grasshopper's ghost [0/0hp]
King grasshopper's ghost [0/0hp] ID:FpmaWMB9 Sat 20 May 2017 12:47:11 No. 611191 Report Quoted By:
>>611164 Foolish bug mortals my spirit has become too powerful to be banished permenantly by the likes of you.