>>610217Blood is everything, that is your lineage not the color of your skin, but who YOU hail from as in person by person. A common icelander can name up or could, the name of their relatives till they came from here.
See comment here, this is not bullshit
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQc65H0Pb4g (this my mother sung/said)
>but>he is right in these newage hippie craps in all ways hereThis about race though, that's a misconception here. I know where it comes from, the story about Heimdall and how he gave birth to the first casts which goes something like this
>Then Heimdall strolled around looking for poon and found a nice bitch, and from them all royals are from>Then he fickied up another one which all earls and so forth come from>Then he fickied a ordinary woman which gave birth to the free farmersThen he found this but ugly skank, with a bent back, ugly as shit and (covered in shit) and black in the skin. He fickied her and gave birth too the thralls.
See that last one there, it means that she is covered in shit and sot from working the fires(as I do believe it says) and with dung on the fields. We had no nigger slaves.
Niggers however were considered not of Ask, that's not us, they have another tree or something. I don't know.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5gKW1R6mCH4only had violent interaction with them, no trade no nothing, gas on spot