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Balkan war

ID:yjZlx9k8 No.6102122 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Be me five years ago
>Serbian born
>Move to america with my family when I was a little kid
>Been in America for a couple years
>First day of high school
>Excited to see what it's like
>Leave for school
>Enter the school
>Get my schedule and go to my home room
>Pick a seat
>Sit next to this Slav looking guy
>Really cool guy
>We're both into the same stuff
>Teacher comes into room so we shut up
>Home room ends
>I ask what class he has next
>Both have geography
>We're walking down the hallway and the conversation changes to where we are from
>He's from Croatia
>Say I'm from Serbia
>Clocked right in the jaw
>Fight to the death initiates
>This would be the story of The Balkan War of Texas
