>>6108624I took the total id's that you can have (65^8) then I took the possible combinations of
Then I found the amount of slots that Kot can fit in We have 8 slots and kot takes up 3
so you I just did this by brute force and found that the Id can fit in 6 places. Then I got the number of Random letters assuming that you are taking up 3 slots with Kot (65^5). then I multiplied the combinations of Kot by the places it can fit and by the random symbols left when taking up 3 spaces to get
(2^3 * 6 * 65^5) to get the total amount of possible Kot id's in existence. After this I subtracted that number by the amount of Kot Id's we currently have gotten (4) to get the current amount of Kot id's that we can still get (2^3*6*65^5 - 4) after that I just divided all the id's you can get in existence and multiplied by 100 to get a percentage chance
((2^3*6*65^5 - 4)/65^5 )*100