>>6122252Alright sure, let's test this.
The right wing you say, I guess you're talking about the moderate party and their lapdogs, which are mostly capitalistic liberals. They were about as free on immigration as their socialdemocratic counterparts.
Sweden has been taking in large amounts of immigrants since the 1980s, this should be largely known by everyone. Both "right wing" and "left wing" governments have taken in large amounts of immigrants. When the left say the "right" ruined Sweden they are talking about privatisation, but that's another matter altogether.
During the refugee crisis 2015 we had a socialistic government (social democrats and the green party). The tone then was largely that all should be taken in "my Sweden builds no walls" comes to memory. Even though it is said we closed our borders we did not, we are still taking in large amounts of immigrants, most of these in form of relatives to the ones who came. The government also gave the afghans who came here amnesty, when in reality they should have been deported since they lacked any legitimate reason to stay (again, the "left wing" did this). I point no fingers though, I think both the "left wing" and the "right wing" have both contributed into turning this country into a complete shithole. Just get your fucking facts straight.