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vagina boob

ID:AncBApDY No.6154890 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
You most likely have one life to live, and you decide to spend it posting boring threads on the r/banterino neighbourino. You probably have unhealthy habits and know it's unhealthy yet it feels good so why bother trying to improve.

I don't really understand how to become like the people who actually like posting boring frog threads and anime threads, it's really confusing I'm not sure why they do it and how they enjoy seeing those threads.

I think some of them know it sucks yet posts them anyway, why even post it? You could probably come up with a good thread idea within five to ten minutes yet you don't bother since you're too autismo to plan ahead yet you probably feel like you have to post something and it has to be now.

Why doesn't the /bant/ community just come together and do something large and ebin for the lulz? It's kinda just proof that multiculturalism doesn't work, soon this board is gonna get Sudan'd where each group goes their own way for their own good, why can't we just join up for the bants. Why don't we become at least more nationalistic on /bant/ and achive /bant/ interests such as ebinly troleing /pol/.

We could come together and do something that's actually funny such as pissing off /pol/fags by perhaps maybe starting some sort of SJW group trying to debate them but don't go full le reddit SJW feminists but just debate them normally without the FUCK YOU NAZI WHITE PIGS AHHHH.

If they think we're actually serious imagine how butthurt they all would be seeing this shit on their board. Imagine how far we could take it. Imagine all the things, that just came to me just now imagine what we could all do if we just thought about what we should post instead of le haha le anime and le froge maymay.

If no one cares about comming together and doing something big instead of the same threads over and over again, imma just leave cause I've seen all I have to see on here and I'm bored seeing that same thing over and over again.