>>6164586affect v effect- affect: to bring a change on something. effect: the end result of a change
arbitration- dunno
assimilate- become as the group
autonomy- ability to rule oneself
autocrat- a ruler for no reason
bias- a tendency to sway one way or the other
bullion- dunno
capitalism- the belief that trading capital creates a functional society
circa- around
cite v site v sight- cite: to point to a reference. site: a location. sight: a visual image
classical- opposite of modern
collusion- secret dealings
commerce- stuff that is bought/sold
consequence- result of an action
continuity- the degree to which something does not break
demographic- a portion of people with similar features
despotism- dunno
dialect- a version of a thing
edict- a command
emigrate v immigrate v migrate-
ethnocentrism- focus on ethnicity
exacerbate- increase
expenditure- expenses
faction- a part of a thing
ideology- a belief system help by a group
inevitable- cannot be avoided
infrastructure- lower level foundation
infer- deduce
interregnum- no clue
invent v discover- invent: create. discover: find
Jurisdiction- area of operation
legitimacy- degree of truth
manufacture goods-
matriarchal- of the mother
matrilineal v patrilineal- dunno
monarchical- of a monarchy
morale- general mood
nationalism- putting one's nation above others
oligarchy- uhhh, something to do with religion?
orthodoxy- ^
patriarchal- of the father
post- (prefix) - after x
pre- (prefix) - before x
predominant- the main thing
proletariat- the non-wealthy
raw material- material that is yet to be processed