[9 / 5 / ?]
>Be me
>Chilling with fem-anon freinds
>She tries to touch my hair
>I reply with "I'll beat your ass son"
>Somehow end up in an arm wrestle
>Went up against a qt and 2 grill, all freinds
>Got to touch their hands
>They probably masterbuate
>Man of Nofap, but still touch it every now and then when peeing
>Tfw when basically had a threesome
See you later virgins
>Chilling with fem-anon freinds
>She tries to touch my hair
>I reply with "I'll beat your ass son"
>Somehow end up in an arm wrestle
>Went up against a qt and 2 grill, all freinds
>Got to touch their hands
>They probably masterbuate
>Man of Nofap, but still touch it every now and then when peeing
>Tfw when basically had a threesome
See you later virgins