[193 / 152 / ?]
Calling all meme war veterans. Anyone with any interest in winning the midterm elections for the right, using shitposting, assemble at https://chat.dailycrusader.com - It does require an email to register sadly (gotta keep the scum out somehow). If you need an email to use please email me at [email protected] (which defeats the point of a throwaway but whatever)
Pic related is primary meme oppo but if there's a local dem in the US Congress you don't like we can work on that too, it's all about winning midterms with shitposts.
Godspeed, anons
Pic related is primary meme oppo but if there's a local dem in the US Congress you don't like we can work on that too, it's all about winning midterms with shitposts.
Godspeed, anons