>>6182611Shit, does it matter
They'd want my head on a platter
If I played hard, 'cause I'm not scarred enough
They would call my bluff in an instant
All it would take was a trigger, pop
After it's cocked & they figure, out
I am possibly a threat, don't you forget
I am not entering clean, I was a machine back then,
I had some high class friends, I directed a plantation,
Of far-reaching information, I was the first known one,
To be discovered, then lie my way away so when my username's hovered
People say "who is this so&so-what-is-his-face-from, god, know's, where"
Don't care, no prayer's, no reblogs-tweets-memory jogs hearts stars or shares
To them mercy's only skin deep
To them I might as well just count sheep
Two of them times two times two
How many sheep do you see now
OO a cow, oo a manatee
Undersea creature insanity
What is this vanity
How is it we filmed the Kennedy, shot
Yet we could not have seen, Mr.Big Shot PPV
Come up from behind with brass knuckles
& he chuckles "Wow! Only on real TV does this occur! SAD!"
He repeats scenerios to reimpress, in 140 characters or even less