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ID:yR5AGvIZ No.6209473 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I have a con story.

>be me 14
>just moved to the us and was excited to make new American friends.
>bought ticket for local anime convention
>dressed as deadpool when he was reaching the height of his popularity.
>am allowed to be as autistic as i please.
>bump into group of three chicks all with apparent daddy issues.
>two small ones and one with big tiddies
>small ones had red and blue hair
>was chatting the big one when the red haired one started fondling her tits
>prepubescent mind shattered
>"are you two dating or do I have to go for the blue haired one"
>"nononono we're just close friends and like to mess around"
>whatever you say
>sudden rush of confidence from the anonymity from a mask fills my body
>"Hey, can I try?"
>without hesitation grabs my head and holds it between her breasts
>best day of my virgin life
>continue hanging out with them because who wouldn't
>two small one start making out
>ffs this is hard enough already
>"ok are YOU two dating??"
>"nononono we're just good friends that lie to kiss sometimes yknow?"
>monkey brain starts clapping
>iF iT wOrKeD oNcE, It'Ll WoRk AgAin
>"Hey, can I try?"
>surprisingly it fucking worked
>blue one jumps on me and sticks tongue down my throat
>odd story for a first kiss
>red one grabs her shoulder
>made out with two lesbians
>red one eventually gets a call and they need to leave
>im determined to get their numbers
>about to ask when white suv pulls up and huge african american gentlemen come out
>small ones get in giggling, big one kisses them both
>i book it before they have a chance to mention who tf i am

all of this is truer than i want it to be