>>6211800>Explain yourselves japsThis is actually well understood.
GHQ put out shit tons of propaganda during the occupation, much of it printed with hand drawn illustrations:
even though there were plenty of bilinguals to do the translating GHQ brass didn't trust what they couldn't read themselves: the common practice was to
have someone translate the text in Japanese,
then have someone else translate it back into English
and see if it still made sense and didn't have secret
anti -US messages in it.
Anyways, tl;dr it was fucking time consuming they usually just made crude manga.
common theme was a virtuous blonde character teaching the crushed nips how to function as a society.
After the occupation manga went back to its original evolutionary course of BESM but still back haired main characters with foreigners protrayed as having super large noses and eyebrows to distinguish them from nips.
starting in the 80's however, people who were
children during the occupation and korean war started drawing
manga, and they drew on those childhood GHQ memories.
It isn't so much a racial thing as symbol of "justice."
Blond hair = justice. Or it did for a while anyway, the blond hair thing seems to be going out.
Honestly I don't pay much attention anymore.