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Hannah Hays, Jewish Prostitution ring... Updated Info

No.6239178 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Part 1 of 2, possibly 3 posts.
TLDR: Hannah Hays(Alicia Bennet (sp?) ) is a 19 year old porno chick who got into a car accident a few years ago and has the mental capacity of a 12 year old. She recently started posting youtube videos on her channel where she talks about her PTSD, her comfort animal, and basically being used by this Jewish creeps. I tried to reply to anons on her video with some updated info I've found and I've been getting "Unknown error" messages all day. When I post the post dissapears, when I edit the message I get Unknown error and it gets removed as well. So here's what I've dug up so far, hopefully other autists can expand on this and we can bring down these slimey fucks.

Hey man I tried to post for like 30 mins this morning with all the info I had collected for you to share on 4 or 8ch and I kept getting an unknown error, very weird. Anyway here we go again with everything I've been able to find. I also copied and pasted my entire post multiple times and then it wouldn't let me.

"Her boss is (((Mark Schechter))) of Adult Talent Managers LA, known for the HIV porn panic of 2013. Seems like a trustworthy person." Before that he apparently worked in the Casino industry. He might have also pulled her GoFundMe.

Next, everyone knows about (((Greg Lansky))) but the two Jew co-owners at Dogfart networks also used her. This is one of them. Notice the tattoo section/description? This fuck also runs a site within the network where he degrades women with food and scat from what it looks like. He also does BTS interviews that they sometimes post to youtube or that are free on their site. In Hannah's interview he's basically mocking her belief in God subtly and mocking her parents/culture for not wanting to mix races. Complete (((sleazeball)).