[8 / 4 / ?]
Hey guys its wageslave again. Got another story.
>Be wageslave
>working the sunday arvo shift
>enjoying my shift because sundays are awesome
>almost finish facing the shelves, making them look nice for customers.
>taking pride in my work, because im really fucking good at this
>then it happens.
>fat aborigine kid comes into the asle with his parents
>wailing and screeching about not getting something
>parents are ignoring him
>miniature whale child starts screeching louder
>he looks like he's 10 years old
>abo parent tells him to be quiet
>kid screams at him and grabs one of the shelves
>starts throwing stuff off the shelves
>makes a mess of everything
>hes destroyed half an hour of work in one 3 minute tantrum
>parents tell him to stop
>he keeps going
>go up to parents
>tell them in the most polite way i can muster, to control their inbred spawn
>parents screech at me
>they tell me to mind my own business
>the boss sees this happen
>he sees angry customers yelling at me and a screaming child
>tell him what happened
>he walks to office to check cameras
>tells me to clean up the mess the kid made
>comes back 15 minutes later
>tells abo cunts to get out of store before he calls the cops
>abo cunts yell at him
>he repeats the message
>they leave after some more yelling
>boss asks if im ok
>i say yea
>he goes back to work
It was a half decent shift all in all
>Be wageslave
>working the sunday arvo shift
>enjoying my shift because sundays are awesome
>almost finish facing the shelves, making them look nice for customers.
>taking pride in my work, because im really fucking good at this
>then it happens.
>fat aborigine kid comes into the asle with his parents
>wailing and screeching about not getting something
>parents are ignoring him
>miniature whale child starts screeching louder
>he looks like he's 10 years old
>abo parent tells him to be quiet
>kid screams at him and grabs one of the shelves
>starts throwing stuff off the shelves
>makes a mess of everything
>hes destroyed half an hour of work in one 3 minute tantrum
>parents tell him to stop
>he keeps going
>go up to parents
>tell them in the most polite way i can muster, to control their inbred spawn
>parents screech at me
>they tell me to mind my own business
>the boss sees this happen
>he sees angry customers yelling at me and a screaming child
>tell him what happened
>he walks to office to check cameras
>tells me to clean up the mess the kid made
>comes back 15 minutes later
>tells abo cunts to get out of store before he calls the cops
>abo cunts yell at him
>he repeats the message
>they leave after some more yelling
>boss asks if im ok
>i say yea
>he goes back to work
It was a half decent shift all in all