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Being Black Is A Disability

ID:xlsbW9Kq No.6246455 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
No dark-skinned people struggle with daily life in the ways black people do.
Asians, Arabs, Persians, Turks, Slavs, and even dirty Mexicans are capable of getting through life understanding self-determination and independence.
Blacks are disadvantaged not only by their IQ, but also because they are incapable of understanding how they relate to the world around them. They cannot comprehend consequences or cause and effect.
No black person you have ever worked with was an exceptional employee or leader. At best, they were average. On average, they were piss-poor excuses for labor and wholly incompetent.

With that said, shouldn't "being black" be classified as a disability? Most are already on SSI, Disability, EBT, and / or some other mix of public assistance.