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ID:CLDejFzT No.6251487 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
anzuposter is the most based man in the world
anzuposter is mentally underage, but his real age is yet to be revealed
anzuposter has seen the big bang and the creation of the universe first hand
one day anzuposter ate so many hotpockets that he threw up, the hotpockets hardened and the moon was born
anzuposter has helped man discover fire and the wheel
anzuposter has saved the jews from the evil egyptian niggers
anzuposter is the forefather of half the population of the world
DNA tests have proven that anzuposter's blood is inside every /bant/ user
anzuposter has created the roman empire
aznuposter has died and resurrected twice for our sins
anzuposter appeared in Constantine's vision and has convinced the entire empire to follow one god, himself
one morning, anzuposter lost his neetbux and he destroyed half of the empire
anzuposter circumnavigated the world with his fat belly alone
anzuposter was the genius behind Da Vinci's revolutionary works
one night anzuposter took a shit and he created the communist regime
anzuposter ate american tanks on D-Day
anzuposter has settled in denmark after setting the fate of Sweden in stone
anzuposter knows approximately 4000 languages but he speaks to us in english out of pity
anzuposter has made the first post on /b/
anzuposter once banned moot for being a newfag
anzuposter hates this webm