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Ok so in order to summon such a malevolent best you have to perform the proper ritual. You will need the following items:
1. A black candle.
2. A jug of salt.
3. A jug of pepper.
4. A giant tube of red paint.
5. A pen.
6. Index card.
7. Play dough.
9. 6 loads of semen.
10. About 4 cups of urine.
Ok so to begin you must perform this in your bed room. Any sommoning of the beast anywhere else will trap it in that location.
First you take a peace of paper and you write Succubus on it. Then you erase the vowels, and begin to connect them all into a symbol. To finish this step you must take that symbol and draw it on your index card. This will act as your talisman.
Then you take the sugar and mix it with your semen and use the paste to draw an upside down pentagram. From there you will take the paint and pour it in a circle around the pentagram. And then follow that around that circles outer edges with salt for added spiritual protection.
Then you must prepare the candle. You place the talisman in the middle of the pentagram and cover it with the lit candle. Finally you are ready to begin the ritual.
You begin by meditating and humming for a period of time.
Then you begin by chanting the name Succubus 6 times.
Then pray Lord Succubus grant me the pleasure and pain of your company 3 times.
Then you begin to stroke your penis or cyclone your vagina while telling it just how much you want it to show until you orgasm all over the pentagram.
Then you must tell that you accept the pain as a pleasure as well. You must sip the urine as a proper sacrifice on top of you jizz.
You end by chanting Succubus 6 more times. Then while leaving everything as is you must go to bed. Succubus will be waiting. Enjoy.