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ID:JInjtMuB No.6263689 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>childhood autism stories

>be me, it's 2005
>been going to middle school
>i have aspergers, scared as shit of it
>lived in constant fear and hatred of these two autistic twins
>these kids would actually go around talking to people about bionicles, sonic, and other shit-tier games that were popular at the time
>they had literally no sense of other peoples feelings
>learning of the diagnosis, i quickly noticed what i was and how i was basically a milque-toast version of these twins
>live in fear my whole life of somebody noticing the autism
>to this day

These kids were also hyper as fuck, 24/7. They had to take all sorts of medications, and to make it worse; they would put their meds in either Monster drinks or Huge Coffee Cups. Learning about chrischan didn't help at all.