>>6267421>Well your 2hu posting doesn’t seem to be far off with the threads you make. I just use 2hu pictures I'm my threads, they have mostly nothing to do with the topic.(viz. Blog post)
>The only time I don’t see you posting about it is when you are in alice threads or harrassing me again. Well I suggest to look more.
>Yes I post outside of my threads but it’s not hard to ignore somebody. It’s just a literal who on an anonymous board.And have chosen not to ignore you.
>It’s just a literal who on an anonymous board, you don’t need to make it known to everyone that you hate me.I have said it like 2days ago about you and fagmark.
Should I DM you "kill yourself" next time or you just want to hear nice things about you?
If you don't want to be directed by bunch of people, maybe you should try to blend it... Not use an avatar?
>And also, yes you are still keeping this thread up by responding to it. Yet again if you dislike it just ignore it. Complaining won’t change anythingYou are repeating yourself.
And again, I don't care.
At least we get to see if mods do their job.