I was reading this "sci-fi fanfic" just to see where you were going to reach, but, as a science fiction fan, I can't see how this explanation would make sense in any possible timeline interpretation. There are, basically, three kinds of possible timelines:
1) One dynamic timeline and Novikov Selfconsistency: don't match the story because of a paradox like Grandfather's and a fixed timeline wouldn't match the changes in future, respectively.
2) Multiple timelines: a timetravel would generate a new timeline that diverges from the original at the reaching point and then avoid grandfather paradox. In this interpretation, the Titor from 2000 would make considerable changes going to past (Butterfly Effect) and this would result in the timeline from you came from: there is an original timeline, from where 2000's Titor came from, then the timeline you came from (that was consequence of the changes made by 2000's Titor affecting an alternative version of him) and in which we lived until you reach and, finally, the actual timeline, that diverged when you reach here.
So there is no "astronomical coincidence", just the expected. Also, why the hell would be an "astronomical coincidence"? To something like that to happen, time physics would need to be like *potentially* infinite parallel timelines that, naturally, don't interfere with the others and the timetravel would "jumping" from one timeline to another but, to me, it doesn't make sense.