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No.6320407 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>biology has existed for approximately 4 billion years
>from single celled organisms, evolved into multi-celled organisms with brains so sophisticated, even a cat's brain computes more per second than every single computer on Earth put together could
>despite a dozen extinction events, life always continued existing to give rise to a diverse range of organisms

But no, let's design a society that caters more to political models, than human biological parameters. Clearly nature is wrong and our pitiful, short-lived culture is much smarter and better.

Let's focus on producing food that literally poisons our bodies in the long-term because bits of paper are more important than having optimal health.

Let's be the only species to have EVER existed to develop the means and risk to cause their own extinction, because random lines drawn on a map are more important than the survival of our species (which will go extinct while life will yet again survive after we nuke ourselves into oblivion)

Let's disrupt a cellular clock that is synchronized to sunlight, moonlight and the sounds of hundreds of different of animals twice a year so we use less lightbulbs, that are artificially engineered to stop working, so that its producers can gather more bits of paper, while we have the technology to make bulbs that can make them shine for hundreds of years


If you want to engineer a society, look at nature. The brain is a massive computer our species will never even approach with our technology, the body is a fucking machine capable of endurance, strength and greatness that most people won't even approach 1% of in their lifetimes. Why the fuck not look at how they work and what they need and build a society to accommodate their needs? How stupid and mindless do you have to be to think that your pitiful culture knows better?