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[10 / 6 / ?]

ID:tXoKGELM No.6329525 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>be me
>go to skatepark to do shit with my skateboard while hanging out with other trash
>do some tricks to impress friends and assert dominance
>8/10 qt sits down at bench to read
>I awkwardly wave hello
>she smiles and waves back, then adjusts her glasses to read more
>do some more tricks
>she is showing interest in my tricks
>find a nice rail, wax it
>she puts down her book to watch
>pop skateboard onto rail then board slide
>she's impressed
>degenerate scooterfag with mohawk helmet rides past the end of the rail
>skateboard makes contact with his stupid helmet
>both of us fall, he fell over unharmed, I landed on my face with blood everywhere
>the qt looks stunned
>scooterfag starts crying
>"Anon you fucking asshole" she says
>she leaves
>i look back, scooterfag is not crying anymore
>he faked it
>visibly angry, I pick up his scooter and toss it into the air, bending the bar on impact
>Neighborhood watch fags spot me
>banned from skatepark