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Non-Chad whites

No.6341471 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Should non-Chad whites care about white women and white society? Modern white society is hypersexual and hypergamy on steroids. White women have, in many cases, 100s of sexual partners before they're 30 and are only willing to settle down and have children in their mid 30s. They almost always have to settle down with a non-Chad which makes them resentful and the relationship most likely won't last. Non-Chad whites are still valuable, but we're not valued by white women and by western society in general. I'm not a Chad, but I'm smart and I'm going to land a nice engineering job once I graduate and eventually start a company.

I'm not whining about it, just pointing out how things are. Why shouldn't I just settle down with a nice East Asian girl and have a family? I'll make sure to raise the hapa kids alright to reduce any identity problems they might have. I wish society wasn't so broken, but I didn't break it and why should I try to fix it and help to save people that have no regard for me?